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Luton Sixth Form


Luton Sixth Form College’s Governing Body determines the educational mission of the College, its strategic direction, oversees its financial performance and safeguards its assets.

It does this through a committee structure in which it meets with the College’s senior management to determine and monitor the College’s performance and planning.

Luton Sixth Form College's Corporation meets in full around six times a year. In addition to this we have three sub-committees – Audit, Finance & General Purpose and Search & Governance – which meet throughout the year. Approved minutes from meetings covering the last three academic years can be found below:

Luton Sixth Form College Corporation Meeting Minutes

Our Governors are volunteers and often have significant professional, business or community experience, which is called on to inform the Governing Body’s collective decision-making. The day-to-day governance of the College is managed by the Head of Governance and Data Protection, whose autonomy from the management structure of the rest of the College assures their independence.

Under the terms of the Further & Higher Education Act 1992, the most senior body in a Further Education college is its Governing Body.

For more information about our Governors or becoming a Governor, please contact the Head of Governance and Data Protection, ​Louise Barden at lqb@lutonsfc.ac.uk