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Luton Sixth Form

Graphic Design Technical Introductory Diploma (OCR Level 3)

Why Study Graphic Design?

The study of Graphic Design is valuable in its own right; we are living in an environment which is increasingly visually aware. The ‘creative industries’ are now one of the most important generators of wealth in this country. A visual education will be advantageous for everyone in the 21st century and can lead towards a variety of careers, from advertising and illustration to publishing and web design.

Entry Requirements

In addition to our general entry requirements, you must have:

  • GCSE English – grade 3
  • GCSE Art – grade 4 (or Merit in Level 2 BTEC Art & Design)

We will also consider GCSE Art & Design Graphics grade 4 together with a portfolio at initial College interviews.

The Course

This course is a specialist graphic design course and prepares students to gain a variety of skills based on graphic design briefs.

Coursework is not just computer-based; you will be expected to draw, paint, and use traditional materials alongside digital medium.

The course covers the following skills; drawing, using materials and processes, visual communication, typography, image making and generating ideas and concepts. Practical workshops in typography, drawing, printmaking, illustration and photography will enable learners to develop their skills.

Course Activities

Lessons will be predominantly practically based. You will be given clear demonstrations of processes and you will be given time to explore these both in small groups and independently. You will be encouraged to talk about your work using specialist vocabulary and to discuss your ideas and your understanding of other designers’ work with your tutor and fellow students.

You should be prepared to write about both your ideas and the work of others. Written evaluation forms an extremely important part of this course. Your sketchbooks or work boards should be thoroughly annotated. 

Career and Progression Opportunities

Many students choose to pursue Art & Design studies at a higher level and there are two main pathways: an Art Diploma (Foundation) or direct entry into Higher Education. Our students have gone on to the following university courses: Graphic Design, Product Design, Architecture, Illustration, Surface Pattern Design, Computer Games Design, Editorial Photography, Advertising, Marketing, New Media and Web Design.

Course Structure and Assessment

This is a two-year course and is the equivalent of one A Level.

Unit 1: Art & Design in Context

This unit looks at key trends, movements and events in the context of a chosen art or design discipline.

Unit 10: How Artists and Designers Use 2D Materials, Techniques and Processes This unit enables students to look at the work of artists or designers and characteristics and working properties of 2D design materials, techniques and processes.

You will study a further four specialist Graphic Design units selected to meet the needs of the class, from a list that includes:

  • Using Digital Technology in Graphic Design
  • Art & Design Illustration
  • Creating Animation
  • Character Design and Creation
  • Design for Advertising

Additional Information

During your lesson time in Graphics, you will be set specific tasks related to the brief you are working on. This work is often started in the classroom and will need to be continued independently for a minimum of 4.5 hours per week. The teacher will guide you through what needs to be complete and by when. This time scale may need to be adjusted to reflect the speed at which you produce your work. The independent work may also include researching and preparing for the next lesson or refining and developing what you have produced in the classroom.

Examination Board: OCR


Case Study