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Luton Sixth Form

Freedom of Information

Luton Sixth Form College is committed to the Freedom of Information Act, which gives individuals and organisations the right to request any recorded information held by a public authority.

This College's Freedom of Information Publication Scheme is in two parts:
1. The General Information Section provides a general description of the scheme, and outlines general categories of information which are not available online, but may be provided on request. It can be downloaded here »

2. This web page constitutes the Specified Information Section, which contains links to specified information which has been identified by the College and which is directly accessible or downloadable online.

Items are listed below under the sections laid down in the scheme:

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.
Location and contact details for Luton Sixth Form College

Corporation Information

Communication Implementation Team (CIT)

Annual Accountability Agreement 

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Financial Statements 2023-24

Financial Statements 2022-23Financial Statements 2021-22Gender Pay Gap Report 2024Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements)

16- 19 Tuition Fund Statement FY23

Tuition Fund Statement Autumn 2021 ( Additional Student Support Covid Catch-Up Fund)

Tuition Fund Statement Autumn 2020 (Additional Student Support Covid Catch-Up Fund)

Tuition Fund Statement Autumn 2024 (Additional Student Support Covid Catch-Up Fund)

 What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
Annual Strategic Impact Assessment Report (ASIAR) 2023-24Most recent Ofsted reportDfE Performance tables

External Governance Review- July 2024

How we make decisions

Decision-making processes and records of decisions.
Minutes of Corporation and Committee meetings

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.
Access to Information Policy and Procedure for using the Publication SchemeCollege policies and procedures


Doing Business with Luton Sixth Form College

Luton Sixth Form College currently uses a wide range of suppliers.  We have contracts in place to cover the main goods and services that we purchase. 

The College is a member of the Crescent Purchasing Consortium (The CPC). We also work with suppliers outside of The CPC and are always keen to engage with local suppliers. We believe in strong relationships with our suppliers. Our regular Purchasing Procedure involves the issue of a Purchase Order from our Financial System informing the supplier information required on invoice.  

Our normal standard terms of payment are 30 days from date of invoice.

Tender Opportunities 

Luton Sixth Form College complies with Procurement Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).

 Contracts above the limits laid down by PCR Note 2018 are either:

  • Advertised in the Find a Tender portal
  • Or tendered through an approved  Purchasing Consortium such a Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC).

Tenders under the limits laid down by PCR 2018 but with a value higher than £35K are required to complete a full tendering process normally through  an approved Purchasing Consortium such a Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC).

Please see our:

General Conditions of Purchase Policy   General Conditions of Purchase 2020.pdf       

Lists and registers

Register of Interests (Directors)

Register of Interests (Corporation)

Register of Gifts and Hospitality

To make an FOI request, please contact the College by email on collemail@lutonsfc.ac.uk

 or write to:

Data Protection Officer
Luton Sixth Form College
Bradgers Hill Road